Ready Infant Toddler Classroom

Ready Infant Toddler Classroom (RITC) provides coaching for teachers working with children birth – 3 years old focused on teacher interactions, responsive caregiving, and early language support.

This project will offer the following:

  • Free weekly on-site coaching with a highly skilled and knowledgeable Technical Assistance Specialist. This service will be available for lead and assistant teachers working in one infant and one toddler classroom.
  • A free year-long Leadership Academy designed for directors or assistant directors with topics relevant to infant and toddler program management, as well as overall administration.
  • “Infant and Toddler Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI)” professional development series which will prepare teachers to identify, understand, and apply more responsive teaching in their Infant and Toddler classrooms using the CLASS® framework. To learn more about the CLASS® measure visit

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